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Business Object JumpStart 1.03

Business Object JumpStart 1.03

Business Object JumpStart Publisher's Description

The application development frameworks presented within my recent book place a lot of emphasis on business object classes. Although a business object application model is a very scalable and flexible solution, there is one setback. It requires several C# code classes for each business object. In an effort to minimize that coding work, I have implemented an add-in for Visual Studio .NET 2003, called Business Object JumpStart.
After the Business Object JumpStart is downloaded and installed, it is seamlessly integrated into Visual Studio .NET 2003. Just select Tools > Business Object JumpStart from the Visual Studio menu and enter the attributes of your business object as illustrated below.

After the new business object is defined, click the OK button and take a break as the Business Object JumpStart adds a new class library project to your solution, creates all of the business object code in C#, and creates the database stored procedures that bind the business objects to the database. This handy tool trims a lot of mind-numbing coding from your development project and is based upon the examples within this book.

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